Love Poem: I Hope and Wrote and Wish You All Had a Good Day This Is For Anyone Who Is In Need of a Friend

I Hope and Wrote and Wish You All Had a Good Day This Is For Anyone Who Is In Need of a Friend

How was your day ?

Did you have a nice day ?

Did you make someone's day ?

Did you make anyone laugh ?

Did you tell anyone that you love them ?

Have you chosen what you are going to watch tonight yet ?

Have you cooked that steak you bought for dinner yet ?

Have you paid that overdue vet's bill yet ?

Is it time to go to bed yet ?

How was your day ?

Did you have a nice day ?

At work rest and play ?

I hope you did ?

I hope your happy ?

I only wish to bid you well !

As you set about your day

Be well all said my fellow brethren my friend

Receive love in kind and in kindness dwell 

I hope before this day is over ?

You can look back and say ?

Life ain't so bad and for just today be glad

As today a good day I actually had

That would make me glad 

And thankful for the day I have just had