Love Poem: I have more to give
Anonomus Scorpio Avatar
Written by: Anonomus Scorpio

I have more to give

I tremble in these shadows, wrestling all forms of demons
'Cause, after you, I've learned how to soundly defeat them
For far too long, I've put up with the degradation of your behavior
After a life time, I realized you don't need me; you need a savior
I'm no longer happy being miserable with someone who's so focused on themselves
My useless memories are in a hidden spot, on top of overflowing, careless shelves
No more treating lost days like endless rows of open prison cells
I have more to give, and I deserve better, so I'll do my best for someone else
I will no longer be there to catch you every single time you fall
You never truly hit rock bottom; is that why you don't feel at all?
Now, as I walk the dog, the bright sun shines
I won't lose years of myself to her landmines