Love Poem: I Had a Dream
Rus Laura Avatar
Written by: Rus Laura

I Had a Dream

Yesterday night , I dreamed of a fine dream
Where I saw people I had loved with all my heart
They were all there , not one was missing
All those people my heart was craving for

Yet those people somehow broke me in real life
And still I couldn't get to hate them
I was loving them while they were forgetting 
And I was stuck on my knees 

Crying , begging , screaming for the world to give me a second chance 
To just let me love them again 
To take off this feeling of guilty off my heart 
To let me live with no constant tears in my eyes 

So this fine dream of mine was like God's second chance 
A second chance to tell them all goodbye 
I spent time with every each one of them in part 
Getting off the rocks of my heart 

And when I woke up I had mixed feelings 
On one side the sadness about all this just being a dream
On the other side the happiness of properly saying "goodbye"
And within myself this numb feeling of not remembering everything I saw .

It was a sad dream 
With a sweet smile to it 
