Love Poem: I Give You My Heart
Elaine  George   Avatar
Written by: Elaine George

I Give You My Heart

                         sweetheart                            sweetheart 
                    for you to ask me                  (                       )   )   
                 the reason I love you so        (                                    )
                is to ask a bird why it sings  (                                         )
            or if it could  fly without wings                                              )
          why does a rose bloom in spring                                             )
           why do those bells have to ring             I Need you here        )
           why do leaves cleave to a tree                 by my side          )
                why does honey need bees                                        )
                  there is really no mystery                                     )
                     it is  just  their  destiny                                  )
                      the same as you and I                             )
                             predestined to be                         )
                                   for I am only                   )
                                     half a heart               )
                                           without          )
                                                you    )


                                            Written:  January  9th, 2010
             For:  My Husband and for Geborah Guzzi's contest 'Who do you Love'?
             Placed 4th.