Love Poem: I Dreamed of An Angel
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Written by: Thomas King

I Dreamed of An Angel

The morning light breaks 
and my eyes open wide; 
I feel the warmth from your body 
as you lay by my side.

I watch as you sleep 
so peaceful and serene, 
resembling an angel 
or similar being. 

Suddenly I am aware 
of a feeling deep within, 
as a powerful desire 
starts to begin.
Hit with these feeling 
so quick that in fact, 
I barely had time 
to even react. 

These feelings were strong 
so true and spontaneous, 
and the love that I felt 
was almost instantaneous.
A need for your presence 
comes from deep in my core, 
uncontrollable emotions 
unlike ever before. 

A wanting for your touch 
burns inside me like fire, 
and a taste for your kiss 
full of love and desire. 

But as I reach out to you 
for an intimate embrace 
your gone in an instant 
without even a trace. 

The morning light breaks 
and my eyes are filled with tears; 
no longer feeling your body’s warmth 
after all of these years. 

I wake from my dream 
empty to the core, 
as my longing for you is now 
stronger than before. 

I know I am unable 
to believe the real truth, 
how you were taken from me 
in the prime of loves youth. 

My discovery of these emotions, 
and its powerful force, 
were never given the chance 
to run its full course.  

Today I will watch you sleeping, 
not by my side but in this place, 
where a granite markers now sits 
with your name etched on its face. 

You become now that angel 
you resembled while you slept, 
and that vision of you 
my minds always kept. 

The loneliness I feel 
is immeasurable and deep 
as I stand next to your plot 
and silently weep. 

But I am thankful to have had you 
for the time you were here, 
and the time we were together 
I will always hold dear. 

Our moments will be treasured 
for the rest of my days 
as I try to exist without you 
in this painful lonely haze. 

So sleep well my little angel 
until it’s time for me too, 
and they will lay me to rest 
right here next to you.