Love Poem: I Don'T Feel Bad For You
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Written by: Nikki Pruitt

I Don'T Feel Bad For You

I should feel bad for you,
But it’s hard to.
Because, you know what?
As if mine were the heart torn in two,
As if I was the one to hurt and suffer
By your hand.
Eff that man,
That crap hurts.
If unconditional love was actually unconditional, 
As if it remained true and genuine for infinity.
When did you start putting conditions
On forever
And stipulations on
Every aspect of my heart.
What did we expect to happen?
We watched it fall apart.
I should have called it from the start.
As if you shouldn’t be 
Sitting in county
Tearing yourself apart 
Piece by piece,
Reminiscing in all
The harm you’ve done.
As if the trauma you caused wasn’t
That bad.
When you blacked my eyes,
Busted my lip 
And broke my nose.
How could you baby?
Why did you turn on me?
I should have known
After that first push onto the bathroom floor,
The first pull of my hair
That you were completely evil.
I’ve always seen it in your eyes.
As if I don’t miss you
With my whole heart,
Even still.
I’m still left wondering,
How could you break my heart?
And how can I still have love for you and miss you.
I do though.
But damn, do I hate you too.