Love Poem: I Did It My Way
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Written by: Robert Lindley

I Did It My Way

I Did It My Way

Nay they say, that simply will not ever do
  look here for a wife that's so very true
Those foreign gals are only after your money
  to a broke guy like me that was so damn funny!

Friends gave me a list of all the bad that exists
  temptations so false yet hard to ever resist
Those women have it in buckets, baskets and spades 
  only ever good for prostitutes , cooks and maids!

The negatives stacked up like many rows of firewood
  the why not's , the don't ever's and you never should
Many a curse cast upon those women from foreign shores
  vile lies about stealing, killing and being whores!

Despite it all , went ahead and I did it my way, My Way
  trusting in the good Lord , kneeling nightly to pray
Decade now with foreign wife , son , sits a very happy man
  I did it my way, rejecting such lies , tossed into trash can!!!

  06-05-2014, Contest entry--- "I Did It My Way"

This write based upon my life!! After two brutal divorces I wanted
 a true wife. One that understood faithfullness , honor and 
love! So I decided to look the entire world over, not limiting
myself just to the USA. Immediately I was told how foolish my quest.
Told how awful, bad and evil those "foreign women" are! I refused
to listen to such tripe. 
I did it my way and glorious bliss landed upon my life!
Found true love, beautiful and faithful wife . Now we have
a beautiful 7 year old son. All because I knew the hate cast at me
 was intolerance and deceit, based upon lies and conceit.
My filipina wife is as good as gold. Ten strong years of pure and
 ever faithful bliss!
Such they sought to make this man miss!!
Yes, I did it my way......