Love Poem: I Can Sacrifice For You

I Can Sacrifice For You

© Rodgers Roger 
Every single day Sunrise to sunset I think of you, How whole And how well God endowed you With beauty so incomparable, Yet I can't stand going through a life, Knowing You will never be mine. To cherish you I will To treasure I shall To long for you I do, Just like your presence, Your absence tires me apart But you can't help it Who you fall in love for, Its not like choosing which taxi To carry you through, So I understand If I am asked to say the last word, I would go speechless Your story leaves me incompetent I see many things that leave me tongue twisted, As I slowly die away. I would courageously say it That you rock my life, But you wouldn’t care, So what would be left of me Than to kiss your soft lips and run away, As I risk the silence you would blow on me forever? But I can't keep this heart of mine dreaming, Things that will never happen, If we can’t make them happen, I will make one step back But not step away I will nail this love for you And surrender my last passion I will make a sacrifice I will do anything you ask of me, Even pull a sharp spear Into this heart that bleeds for you, So that blood can stream out this chamber, Since without you my life isn't worth the save. I would sacrifice anything for you my brainteaser, My early morning song, Yes I would sacrifice for you But only when you know, And believe I'll never stop loving you, Even to the deep dark grave I would go smiling If only I know You distinguish my love From other people
Sponsor: SKAT A Contest Name: Any Old Poem Will Do Poet: Rodgers Roger Carter Date:7/17/2014 Time:12:00:00 AM