Love Poem: How Could You Do This To Me
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Written by: Kimberly Williams

How Could You Do This To Me

How can you put your babygrl out for a man that'll never or always want be there 
for you
I'm the one that always been there for you, I'm the one that stayed by you'r side 
And still you want to tell me good bye 
How could you put your babygrl out not caring were she's at in the world
I wondered if you ever even cared 
I wonder why you pick him over me
How can you go to sleep every night not knowing were your child is 
How can you go to sleep next be side him ( to someone that don't even keep it 
I did what I had to do, I was there when no one else was
When you where down if you ever needed someone to talk to I was you'r grl to be 
I love you CAROL, that man you picked over me will never always be around
and when he put you down, since I'm the better person I'll be there and still be 
I miss us talking to each other, I miss us being cool, playing together
It's like when you get a man you shut your kids out your life
All because the man sweet talk you into being his wife
I thought we were better than that
I never did anything that bad for you to hurt me
One day I hope you come to your senses and realize you need me more then 
anything in this world
No matter what you say or think you are not a real mama
But forever I'll always be your babygrl