Love Poem: Honey My Love
Sara Kendrick Avatar
Written by: Sara Kendrick

Honey My Love

Honey my love with your golden hair
The north westerly cold wind has blown
Wait our romantic hideaway to share
When we will be cozy warm in our zone

The north westerly cold wild wind has blown
Bringing gray clouds covering sun_ not trapped
When we will be cozy warm in our zone
With you love by the fire close_ blanket wrapped 

Bring on gray clouds covering sun_not trapped
Snuggle in_love hot chocolate _desire
With you love by the fire close_blanket wrapped
For when with you love will be our attire

Snuggle in_love hot chocolate_desire
Age knows no bounds when love's around
For when with you; love will be our attire
Even though with gray hair my love is crowned

Age knows no bounds when love's around
Wait our romantic hideaway to share
Even though with gray hair my love is crowned
Honey my love with your golden hair

Written by:
Sara Kendrick
November 30, 2010
( This work has two voices or two people speaking..)