Love Poem: Hold Me In Your Arms

Hold Me In Your Arms

The night is cold
The shadows of it spew out spit
Spit made of acidic nature
Spit willing me to cower in fear
Hidden from the rest of the world
Too cowardly to even dare glance at the glowing moon
To immerse my feminine senses in its glow
And bask in the delight of Earth!

The night bares its teeth at me
Wanting to intimidate my already shaky stride
Hoping to cause me to wilt and disintegrate
Into the darkness of its state
And thus feed its bulging mass!

But then, from Pandora's opened box
Hope sings to me
Hope sings odes celebrating of the pure glory of love
And I, can only close my eyes,
Allow my quickening breaths to overtake
My somersaulting heartbeats
And close my mind in stubborn denial!

But Hope sings still, 
In a voice so rapturous 
That the mighty night and its shadows scare me no more
Rather, in the silent darkness
I see Love, bold and staunch
Yet, having in his eyes,
A softness and a tenderness!

Hope sings and my soul unveils itself
To beckon to Love to hold me in his arms
As, enlaced together, in a feverish embrace
We shall transgress time, death and space!

Why, Love remains my savior
Being in his arms is like being sheltered 
By the protection of the Almighty
Love remains my cause, my aim, my quest
And I just know
That, as the night would end
I would open my eyes
And still see myself,
Being held in the arms of Love
While Hope, still so soft and melted
Would sing of us and of our embrace!

For Contest Hold me in your Arms
Written on 13 Sept 2017