Love Poem: Higher Than

Higher Than

For as the heavens are
higher than
the earth,
so are My ways
higher than
your ways,
and My thoughts
than your thoughts

Isa. 55:9

His ways are not our ways,
and His thoughts are not our thoughts
God ways are holy,
our ways are evil from soul to skin
God thoughts are pure,
our thoughts are tainted 
from birth to grave's end
O that man could be righteous,
treat one another with respect and dignity
Because we may have differing views,
doesn't give me the right not to love you
O that the spirit of God would enter us,
and dwell within these walls of flesh all of our days
Then, and only then
will our thoughts and ways be elevated,
and upon God's holy countenance we will then gaze
We must always acknowledge
that God is higher than us
We must always bow our will to the Creator,
and thank Him for His mercy,
which lifted us up out of the dust
One thing is certain, one thing is sure
His beautiful thoughts and wonderful ways
will forever endure