Love Poem: Heart's Destiny

Heart's Destiny

I've been seething,
Crawling in the face of the earth,
Seeking love in its completeness,
Until She knocked at my door step,
Gave me a real definition.

She shook my heart that far,
With 100 miles in between,
Made me Brooke the crook of the 21st century
In an instant, I felt Connection.

She got me breathing under water,
Flying on air,
In the sky so blue, wingless
In the spiral galaxy, breathless
yet so alive.
All fell in place, With no contradictions.

This feeling so foreign,
Perfected my picture.
I feel whole,
And I don't want parole.

I heard her say "she's a marshmallow",
Can somebody please tell her I'm a Nestle cream,
That she can melt in my garden.

Confessing as I am,
She's a whole definition of love herself.
And im in awe of her.
She is the forbidden fruit I wanna taste.