Love Poem: Healthy and Resilient Diplomacy
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Healthy and Resilient Diplomacy

And I respond
to your unasked question:
What might love have to do with regenesis,

You ask me these questions 
about framing an essential therapeutic message,
for that must be how centering questions end,
about essence

eucharistic ZeroSum
ReGenerative Green 
Resonant and Resilient Ego/Eco-Systems.

Within their proper multicolored
frames of multicultural reference
hoping for stronger
more fluid polyculturally nutritious
cooperatively integral 
whole open systemic
EarthOrbiting Life Results

For instant timeless now,
does it help
to change my mantra
by adding just one
of eight prime colored octaves
of spirit sound and mental sight?

There is only green integrity
of each EarthMoment's regenerative potential.

Multicultural context adds qualitative purpose
to questions of quantitative meaning
capital-invested purpose

Which sounds quite different than:
There is only red over-heated dissonance
of each EgoCenter's lack of Win/Win 
and future polycolored health potential.

Color has economic
and political empowering
and disempowering,
and shadowing,
and yinning,
breathing out
and breathing in

This is DNA spiraling revolutionary
fractally structured 
bilateral dipolar
regenerative power analysis
unfamiliar to a Red LeftBrain dominant line 
of decontextualized framing
when not warmly accompanied
by RightBrain Ultra NonViolet prominent circles
of multiculturally intelligent 
contextual communication

To not think it sufficient
to correctly frame secular issues
and sacred essences
without also optimally feeling
how healthy energy democracy
may RightBrain intuitive feel/think
critical moments
to color
and recolor these transitional issues
and essences about dissociated ego-energy v eco-power,
green or red
or blue
or black lives matter, as well.

like Zeroism,
and ecopolitical win/win cooperative multiculturalism
notices the color and consecutive organic seasons
of regenerative flowing development trends
for future flowing 
green gratitude energy

On blue/green bicameral 
Turquoise MotherEarth,
spiraling Her sacred and secular DNA/RNA
webs of information Left out
and exflowation Right in
co-arising/co-gravitating enthymematic 
not(not) double-binding communication
of blame and shame,
subclimatically monopathic,
negative energy
like straight white patriarchal privilege.

Yet, I agree,
probably best not to declare this radical rainbow
spectral space/time spiraling revolution 
of 20/20 bilateral intelligence,
too boldly.

It may seem to mean something hopeful
green new dealish,
and yet with what proof,
evidence of regenerate reformed trends
to romantically
yet deliberately,
yet courageously,
follow healthy co-investment?

LeftBrain deducers-reducers
need to gnaw and know
and dissimilarities
and capitalistic win/lose presumptions
of degenerative lose/lose energy
unregenerate rabidity
red anger;
toxic bleak-grey fear

Monoculturing, terrified white supremacists
left self-righteously alone
to no longer merely imagine 
disproportionate deaths
of GreenBlue Sacred EarthMothers

Future healthing lives
yet to green ecofeminist 
cooperative empowerment come
win/win healthy messianic
yet democratic games
born through full BiCameral UltraViolet essences
resilient green issues
electrifying crises

Already foreshadow
evidence that RightBrain contextual intelligence
can learn to re-sense health maturation trends
through spiraling revolutions
of non-violent energetically re-imagined 
reversion-conversion time
in nonzero-sum not yet space,
whole systemic
multiculturally restoring Green Earth
PeaceRight and JusticeLeft.

I guess I'm hoping to more mutually say,
I love your healthy wealth of multicultural greenness,
and always will.
And faith, somehow,
you might find this humorous
and romantic
and maybe a little bit green flirtatious,
curiously sexy,
sacredly mysterious
healthy and multiculturally safe diplomacy.