Love Poem: Gurls Are Different From Boys
Peter Dome Avatar
Written by: Peter Dome

Gurls Are Different From Boys

I've said it once
And I will say it again
That girls have always been a mystery
They are like buses
That won't come
Then suddenly you get three

They look so pretty
And very hard to resist
The prettier the girl
The sweeter is the kiss

It was like some mating ritual
They have things us boys don’t have
They hang around in gangs giggling
Always wondered what they kept in their handbags
That they danced around on the floor 
To catch your eye
But I never threw it
Although I used to try

When I got married
I tried to find a map
And read a manual too
Did Mum and Dad
Really do that?
Well I never thought it but must be true
Because babies down come from nowhere
And I have three blisters too.

Whenever they have a problem
And don’t know what to do
They ask you
And end up doing
The opposite
You can tell them till the cows come home
And until your face turns blue

Above all, they deserve attention and respect
That’s if you have a tame one
And they don’t leave you in debt.

Peter Dome©2024.