Love Poem: Grove
Laura Hew Avatar
Written by: Laura Hew


The delicate 
pours its
milky white 
moon beams
Drink it in
bellies full
it lights
our way
You hold my hand
and open the gate
I feel the wind as it shuts behind us
In this
where I left my heart 
In the lily pads
My dream is reality
In the moonlight
I can
finally see
In your 
purest form.
Shine like candles
that god laid out especially for this moment
and almost drip from heavens chandelier

Remeber the hushed sound
where the brush sang out in the darkness
What was it about this night?
That moved us

The cool grass
kisses our bare ankels
I shiver
But embrace the night
as this moment seems to be lasting longer then time itself
You tell me secrets which spout from your mouth
Like shooting stars ever so fleeting
And I am freed by your truths

I've hidden in shadows for so long
Hoping you couldn't find me
But there is something about this moment
thats mesmorizing

A cricket starts to sing
and then an entire symphony

You hung your head in dissapointment at the
shadows of my spiteful words
We bathe in the moonlight
and all is forgiven
neer shall i forget
This time in our 