Love Poem: Gren's Evergreens Number 1 Perry Como-And I Love You So
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Written by: Gerard Keogh Jr.

Gren's Evergreens Number 1 Perry Como-And I Love You So

Gren’s Evergreens # I 
Perry Como And I Love You so..

1.	If I am called away, If destiny decrees,
        My soul will never stray. I state this on my knees.

2.	The love we know is strong, as steadfast as the trees,
        that sway and move along, make memories like these.

       And yes, you show me the wonder of it all:
       the emerald of spring, the copper glow of fall,
       And yes, you know me you answer when I call
       your love is always there for me.

3.	Some cynics claim to know with tone and tenor grim.
        No passion overflows. It stays below the brim.
4.	Let poets put to rest love’s thousand sad goodbyes.
        We are equal to each test. Such passion never dies.