Love Poem: Grace and Mercy

Grace and Mercy

A balanced life is hearing from God,
Not adhering to man's rule or rod.

What I seek with all my heart to know,
God's way for me to live, love and grow.

All in Christ will bear fruit day-by-day,
When our hands are removed from the way.

Weaknesses known become in us His strength,
Seeing love has no limit, no lenth.

There's no deep hole, or dark high tower -
No ropes, chains, bar, or walls - no powers -
No choice, decision, failure, or fall
To prevent God from giving us all.

Resting in His forgiveness and grace,
Is what's needed to stand in my place.
By wearing His robe of righteousness, 
I can count on His mercy - no guess.

Mercy always expresses God's love,
Kisses justice, we're freed from above.
We soar to new heights not seen before
Singing praises to Him we adore.