Love Poem: Goodbye
Crystal Wilkins Avatar
Written by: Crystal Wilkins


the way of life i need to see
what path ahead of life is for me?
so full of people yet so alone
where is the place i can call home?
your here with me yet I've never felt more lost
with you again but at what cost?
we are still together yet we are drifting apart
if we're still together i cant be that smart
two different worlds joined by one thread
getting so weak it fill us with dread
what is to come everyone has guessed
the once new love has now been messed
you where my everything
one day soon the thread will ping
so this is my way of saying its over
i hope you forgive me my little clover
my love for is infinant and i will never forget
the happiness i felt when we first met
i guess it was not meant to be
so this is it i will be the first to leave
my first true love is now gone
how could something so perfect go so wrong
like an unhappy love song
so good luck to you i wish you well
I'm sorry that are pure love turned to hell
goodbye i  will miss you
i wish you find someone special my boo