Love Poem: Goodbye
Michael Tor Avatar
Written by: Michael Tor


Till this day, I think of you.
Endearing thoughts my heart once knew.

 Caught by surprise, you said, " Good Bye."
Leaving me here, to wonder why.

 The heartfelt letters, I sent each night.
Were desperate words, to make things right.

 Your love you said, had somehow died.
To hear these words, so have I.

                "I wave Bye Bye"

Michael Tor
Inspired by Jesse Winchester's song I Wave Bye Bye, so heartfelt and
beautiful to listen to. Touching your inner emotions for a lost love...
Please go to Youtube and play Jesse Winchester song, I Wave Bye Bye.
Also on YouTube Bob Dylan's song To Make You Feel My Love sung by Garth Brooks. These two songs in my humble opinion are the best two songs ever
written and sung. PS Adele has recently sung To Make You Feel My Love...