Love Poem: Good Medicine
Roof Missing Avatar
Written by: Roof Missing

Good Medicine

You're my favorite pill! Sure, there's been no mistake,
But that still doesn't mean that you're not hard to take
On the mornings at least when your dander is up
I can long for more sugar or milk in my cup!

Still, you flavor my day, your remarkable way
Always seems to make better, my work and my play,
Oh, your smile softly beckons, you're dawn's early light,
Even when my sleep's fitful, you comfort at night.

Things are great when I take you, on time, the right dose,
But your aftertaste also can make me feel close,
For our chemistry helps me to value myself
And I lean toward engaging, don't hide on a shelf!

So complain if you must, but you'll not see my dust,
Even though you're not me, still I give you my trust,
I can't promise my choices will free you from stress,
But your service I swear's crown of my happiness. 

Long Tooth
August 30, 2018