Love Poem: Good Friday - 2
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Written by: Regina Mcintosh

Good Friday - 2

Beaten beyond recognition Tortured in ways we’d like to ignore Because our hearts are disturbed By the darkness that fell across our world When Jesus was dying on a cross, Crucified for the sins that were ours But were also sins we’d never pay for Because He gave up His life at Calvary Where we could visit and find redemption Forgiveness for those sins we committed Pardon for the crimes of our spirits Barely breathing, He spoke the words… “It is finished” before leaving this world For the hereafter, where we were so sure We’d never be able to talk with Him again Or feel the wonder of His kindness, His gentleness or sensitivity, His wisdom Or His grace and penetrating compassion Someone offered Him their tomb A rich man, who believed in His love Others were willing to clean Him up Placing His body where no one could harm The One who was loved beyond words The One who was at the heart of hope The One who made us feel so sure God would have His way – His day Filling lives with assurance of His grace He left this world and went to the tomb Wrapped in grave clothes and spices Placed in the heart of the earth Where we were sure His body would be Secure until we could sleep in peace Sleep away the grief that was ours, complete In a way that only reminded the heart Of His death, His departing from the lives Who loved Him more than anything else As His lifeless body lay in that tomb Hearts grieved for the One who had come To bring love to the dark and lonely world To shine a light into the lives who knew Only the dimness of despair and depression With Him, life had finally been better Now, with Him gone, hearts were mourning With a solemnity that was so very painful That was the day that they lay God to rest That was the day that love was placed to the test That was the day that our lives were blessed! When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, "I love you." - Billy Graham