Love Poem: Gone Like the Day
Ella Marley Avatar
Written by: Ella Marley

Gone Like the Day

These were feelings I should never condone
you left my heart broken, hard and cold like a stone.
Disappeared as fast as you could.
Your kiss that could have been lingers
your hand that was entwined in my fingers
You took it with you when you left.
Your thoughts are all twisted the same as before
my heart was all but shattered when you slammed my door.
My pain from you will soon be the same.
Your whisper lingers tantalizing my ear
secrets unspoken I want you to hear.
Those building hopes are all the same.
But if I can't have you and I can't have my way
my aspiring hopes will fade like the day
But If you can't have me and that's what you wan't
my cold hard toughness is all mine to flaunt.