Love Poem: God's Passionate Hues
Regina Mcintosh Avatar
Written by: Regina Mcintosh

God's Passionate Hues

When we were young, time seemed to fly
Twisting through embraces of mystery and
Promises that were wise and willing to color
The entire world with a crimson hue of hope
Which reminds that there is only one moment
In time which pursues richest vibrant faith
In the moment which vibrates as it is called
To be a time for us, the two hearts who share
This world’s brilliant shade of complete love
Love that overflows with miracles and haunts
With the beauty that knows only gentle warmth
Creativity that comes from the spirit’s core
Where there are flames of fulfillment arising
Up from the ashes of broken hearts and lost
Dreams which were alive inside a gentle soul
One who knows that compassion thrives within
The spirit of a moment spent becoming one
With another who knows your deepest feelings
Flourishing with intimacy amid the graves of lost
Dreams which flavor the world with sensations
Whispers of breathtaking moments left to sign
As the author of some enchanting ode to heaven
Where the greatest pen of all lives and thrives
Passionately painting life throughout all time!

A Time for Us Poetry Contest
Sponsored by JCB Burl
August 17, 2020