Love Poem: God's Love Knows No End
Jim Pemberton Avatar
Written by: Jim Pemberton

God's Love Knows No End

God’s Love Knows No End!

With God’s love…  There is no end!
It’s one thing to hear of it…
 Another to pretend!

There’s no end of his love
 for you to receive!
Simply reach out…    And believe!

There’s no end to his love
 and wondrous deeds!
He can take care of you 
and meet all of your needs!

There’s no end, how much of your
 sin can be forgiven!
He can change you right now…  
And the way you’re livin’!

There’s no end to the words
 of love he’s spoken!
Why not allow his love to enter your heart
and be “inner-woven.?”

There’s no end to the power
 of his healing!
The words;  “I love you!”  
He’s always revealing!

There’s no end to HIS majesty!
 He rules SUPREME!
He is God.  Your provider… 

There’s no end to the times he’s 
knocked at your heart’s door.
Why not invite him in??? 
What are you waiting for?

Why not accept this unlimited God
 who’s patient and kind?
Won’t you do this today? 
 Why there is still time?

By Jim Pemberton