Love Poem: God's Grace For My Sin
Jim Pemberton Avatar
Written by: Jim Pemberton

God's Grace For My Sin

My Lord.  I have failed you
 so many times.
I feel like I'm in a dark room
 with closed blinds.

In all of my "accomplishments." 
 I've no reason to "brag."
Each time I sin... It brings 
God's "Penalty flag."

I've seen fellow believers 
"fall in disgrace."
I can still remember 
the look on their face.

I don't want to end up 
as many often do.
Ending up in failure...
    In living for YOU.

I humbly confess and 
repent of my sins.
It's only in YOU Jesus where
 true life begins!

All of the "broken pieces"
in my life..  I give.
And beg of your mercy and 
willingness to forgive.

Thank you God! For helping
 me to become.
A child of God,  through
 Jesus your son.

Thank you Jesus! For being
 here and loving me...
The chains are gone.  
I am set free!!!

By Jim Pemberton  