Love Poem: God Made My Man

God Made My Man

" God Made My Man "

I prayed to God and asked for a man

with a heart of love and an open hand

big strong shoulders on which I can cry

to be my loving man until after I die.

I've waited long with a patient heart

I believe that God will do his part

thinking that the Lord ignored my plea

when the first man I loved deserted me.

My prayer was answered as per my request

our dear God in Heaven sent me the best

a pure sweet heart with sincere loving care 

God Made My Man then he sent him here.

On a special day and to my surprise

the man God sent me had my eyes

one year later in two thousand one

dear God has blessed us with our son...

Penned By MPK

Quote: Life Is Poetry In Motion, Great Poets Reflect Emotion...

Note: This poem was created for a very dear friend whom finally found the love 

and happiness through Gods Blessing...