Love Poem: God Is Love
Regina Mcintosh Avatar
Written by: Regina Mcintosh

God Is Love

Whispers of melancholy visions 
Inspire my spirit with blessings
Sooth my mind with a liquid caress
As rain softly echoes all around me
Capturing my heart with droplets
That remind me why I feel alive
Like a dancing ember in the fire
Of this life where I embrace memories
And trace the silhouettes of pleasing
Thoughts which attempt to teach me
Love is with me through every moment
Each day brings with it a gentle touch
Of prayer that has seen me through
The storms that come with the rain
And give me the chance to prepare
For dark that gives way to dawn in time
After the tempest has long gone 
Far away from my heart’s hopes
Where only the heavens can know
That there was once fear where there
Is now a feeling of true confidence
Faith in the love that comes from God
As it heals, helps and hovers around
The heart who knows that hope is real
And an expression of sweetest blessing
Sent down to us from eternity’s grace
Where we can know that God moves
The soul toward a kindness and joy
That comes from knowing real love
Love that is alive and like a fire inside
Awakening spirits and dreams and ideas
Creating wisdom within the heart that
Believes in love without conditions
Love that is filled with hope and faith
And all that gives the soul a reminder
That there is truth in the knowledge that
 ~ God is Love ~

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August 5, 2020