Love Poem: God Has His Reasons--
Star Light Avatar
Written by: Star Light

God Has His Reasons--

From the potters hand
We all are formed
to do... what tis 
God has planned

Each of our lives
Beholds... Love and Truth
To Glorify Christ...
In all we do...

For tis be..
God has His reasons 
All things are tis as
God has His reasons
for making each of us...
the way we are...

Tis can you Love more then one
tis be..  
But Your heart will be in much pain..
For tis if you love many...
many shall bring shame...

But if Your heart does behold many
You must pray... and Choose---decide
Which one tis Holds Most deeep in Your Heart
Then tis be that one... is for you..
Whom tis your Heart would be True.. to

Tis be we all being transformed
day to day... 
God has His Reasons..
Things happen tis way..
to bring All Glory to Him...

Love one another...
Forgive each other..
As God has Forgiven us...

As within our Lives
We tis Potters Clay
Still in the makings 
even to this day..
God has Great Plans 
for each one of us

Come to Jesus
While there is still time...
Conform unto His Divine.. 
Ways... Truth beholding Love 
Forever and always
Glory to God in Highest...