Love Poem: God What a Wonder You Are
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Written by: Jim Pemberton

God What a Wonder You Are

God...  What a wonder
 you really are!
You formed every planet 
and every star.

You created and put 
everything into place.
Your creation is a reflection of 
your beauty and grace.

Over everything. 
 Lord God.  You rule.
The heavens are your throneroom.  
The earth...  Your footstool! 

All of creation groans 
in anticipation of Christ' return.
We shall get a new heaven.  
One day...  this earth will burn.

God's majestic slendor.  
This universe does hold.
Has given me salvation ..  
His face I'll behold!

God... who created man from
 the dust of the ground.
Has given me new life & planted 
my feet on higher ground!

I love and serve you Jesus
 both now and forever!
I worship your majesty and
 behold your splendor!

By Jim Pemberton