Love Poem: Girls
Paul Morgana Avatar
Written by: Paul Morgana



Did nature make anything more beautiful than a girl?
Silk hair bouncing, the ends have soft curl. 

Skin as soft as the pedal of a rose,
Eyes enchanting, never want them to close. 

Two lips enticing, watching them move,
Silky red lipstick gets on my groove. 

Some women's lips, they like to pout,
When laid upon you, you may want to shout!

Subtle curves, all down the neck,
Smooth and appealing, it makes me a wreck!

Continuing south, we stop at the chest,
Round and firm, I like them the best. 

Stand and salute, point towards the sky, 
Kissing and fondling can get you real high. 

The back and the stomach can be overlooked, 
Sleek and shapely, my hands in the nook,

Of her lower back, both seductive and hot, 
A little further down, is an erogenous spot.  
Her sweet tender box, the ultimate prize, 
To kiss and caress, brings tears to my eyes. 

Inject into it her prize, throbbing manly delight, 
Making love to a woman is a wonderful sight. 

Pushing and grinding, the sweat on the ground, 
Tape your love making session, a wondrous sound. 

The question remains, words soar and they swirl, 
Is there beauty on the planet, that compares to a girl? 
