Love Poem: Gender Based Violence

Gender Based Violence


Go on and beat me
But atleast not infront of our kids
For they'll not understand
Why you doing this to their mother 

"Mum why you crying
Has dad beaten you again
I saw him do it last night
I wish he was never around" 

This is what our son told me
I couldn't help but cry
Look at how it affects them
Why can't we just be at peace like other homes 

Everyday you come home drunk pockets empty
For you've emptied it on bottles
And the endless trail of laces that got you hooked
Cause you don't see me as attractive as before 

But how can I be attractive while all you do,
is pound the leaving hell out of me
It's like my mum stopped beating me while I was young
Only for you to continue it now in my adulthood 

Why you so violent, what are you fighting against
Cause most times your war is not with me
You just pick up fights even where they're none
You've made me a laughing stock by our neighbours 

Go on beat me
Maybe that's what gives you solace
For it's not enough that you drowning your sorrows
You also drowning all of us, cause our finances are drowning with each bottle 

The PO£T