Love Poem: Games Over!
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Written by: Spidey Williams

Games Over!

Game over we both lose,
for now there are no winners.

Only broken familes with broken dreams,
on a lonely quest for love and happiness.

I who understood you best,
did not understand you enough.

You failed to let me totally in,
now we are just friends.

Nothing more or nothing less,
living dreams of happiness we held our breath.

Only to come seconds near our very death.
Now we are nothing more than mere memories.

In hope we made the choice that best.
As we acknowledge we failed the test.

We broke promises and hearts  along the way.
As we promised ourselves forever to stay.

Together as one, not solo as two.
We now fill our own shoes.

As we begin to recover,
transitioning to friends from lovers.

The road was never easy,
but we fought the storms.

Only to be swept by the winds,
now we both loose hopefully as parents we win.

Raise our child unlike we were raised.
Help our daughter see better days.

Hope her realize she doesn't need a "nigga" but a man,
to help her pursue her happiness and understand.

I pray daily you'll see the light.
I just have no more will power to even fight.

I used up all of my might,
trying to help you appreciate and love life.

Maybe I'm wrong for giving up it all,
but when was right who fumbled the ball.

We will not talk as must as we use to talk,
but hopefully for our child we walk the walk.

I hope you undestand this was for the best.
Now I lay my pen to rest.

Whenever you need to cry I'll kend you my shoulder!

But for now!