Love Poem: Future Days

Future Days

Why?  If you knew where your heart should be,
Did you do the opposite and follow their lead,
Were you cornered at every side?,
Didn't you see the tears in my eyes?,
You knew the whole time, yet didn't say a word,
Influence pulled you from your own heart to be heard,
Inside I knew what you were going through,
But I was outnumbered...what could I do?,
And instead my heart was thrown to the side, 
But I will say if it never was, It may not have opened my eyes,
You see, God knew long before,
And this was just to prepare me for more,
I always thought that I was so strong,
But really underneath it all I was wrong,
There were things I needed to see about myself,
That covered my heart and layed dormant on my shelf,
I'm thankful that God pulled me away,
To prepare my heart for future days.