Love Poem: From the Depth of Your Soul

From the Depth of Your Soul

I feel the sorrow from the depths of your sweet soul
 I watched it take away a heart that was once whole
 Your tears and pain you hid well from all
 But I see those tears and I hear you voice call
 You can't keep it locked up all the time
 Your soul needs to be free to soar to climb<
 Fly high above the trees to the mountains that beacon you
 There above the world you know I will be there waiting for you
 For it was not so long ago 
 I stood on that very spot and you wouldn't let me go
 You took my hand and wouldn't let go
 You said if I jumped you would follow
 We bonded in spirit on that day
  And forever more we will stay that way
 My hawk watches over you in the light 
 And my spirit stands by your side in the darkness of the night
 So sleep well my lady for you have my spirit and my heart
 They are with you forever and will never part