Love Poem: Friend crush

Friend crush

We talk about crushes
Found in reciprocation 
Of feelings
Inevitably leading to romance.
The crush that flutters stomachs,
Turns faces red,
And shys the bravest of all. 

Crushes where
A confession
Makes or breaks
A friendship,
Or whatever you have going. 

The kind that leads
To dates and kisses
And emotional
And physical connections. 

But there are other crushes
That are never spoken of.
What's that, you may ask.
Well, friend crushes. 

Friend crushes 
Aren't having a crush
On that friend
You've known for some time. 

Friend crushes 
Are found
when you meet
New People. 

You see them
On more than one occurrence
And you're infatuated. 

You want them to like you,
More than anything else.
You'll do all that you can
To get their approval. 

You're not here for the romance.
They just seem cool.
You want to be cool.
At least, enough for them. 

You call them pretty,
You strike up conversation.
There's an intention 
In your actions,
But it's not romance;
It's friendship. 

You want to get their number
And message them 
Whenever they have
The time for you. 

You want to follow each other
On all the socials,
Commenting and hyping
Every photo they post. 

You want to walk 
Through a store
And send them a picture
Because it reminded you of them. 

You want to share music
And interests.
Talk about nothing
And everything all at once. 

You want the intimacy
Of friendship
With its easy touches
And fond little laughs. 

What you want
To share secrets
And deep conversations 
That make you think
Even after they're gone. 

You want outings,
And support.
Smiles and tears.
Truth and advice. 

Friend crushes
Are the feelings
We have for people 
We have a connection with
That hints at the potentiality
Of a friendship.