Love Poem: Free Cee a Considerable Conquest
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Written by: Jeffry Cohan

Free Cee a Considerable Conquest


So this is when love becomes a contest
each a victim and seeking after their conquest
it was so easy back then, no name calling
no detours, children crossing or rocks falling

it was as if for years we both needed the other
each of us with bad attitudes and memories to smother
it was that spark, lightening, or neon florescence from above
and before there was war there was love

each counting the days, the numerals and years
at a social gathering neither of us could say “cheers”
it was if there was a gentle breath we were chasing after
an easy breath to fill our lungs and fill a room with laughter

but it seems six bottles of expensive perfume wasn't the solution
and dozens of flowers gave neither of us absolution
as it turned out the roses were made out of glass
alas one day they were smashed precisely like our love and what has come to pass

so you write me parenthetical notes with a secret inside
and with me being chased by the big bad wolf and no where to hide
your fangs come out when you think you're not winning
and whenever you believe i'm a sinner simply sinning

so this is what the ends turns out to be
I blame you and you'll blame me
your touch was once so comforting and tender
and as for the contest and the conquest you win because I surrender
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