Love Poem: Fragile Heart
Eve Roper Avatar
Written by: Eve Roper

Fragile Heart

Frantically I turn the pages tearfully  with agony

Reluctant to close my eyes to virtual reality

Ageless love, to mend this fragile heart I plea

Giving up is not a choice, please be still

Inexpressible beating heart, I need your -

Love to be perfect once again in the waves of sea

Eternal rest of raining trees and darkness be

Hold me so I won’t fall apart .  It isn’t easy;  a wreath I emit

Every part of me that grieves,  you saw to depart

A fragile heart living behind as I breathe you in

Relentless my heart sinks deep in twisted pain endlessly

That part of  peace that last forever my heart is yours


Sponsored by:  John Hamilton 
Contest Name : Fragile Hearts-Acrostic