Love Poem: Foundation


Hold me,

And don’t judge me please.

I am your love,
I am your seed.

Created by you,
Molded differently.

How much more could our connection be?Art

Ready for Display,
Waiting to be pressed firmly.

Twirling with Irony.
Dancing through stick and stones,

Am I your love?
I am your seed.

Created with Energy,
Our connection soon to be.

Love me,
And Let judgment flee.

I am your heart,
I am your seed.

Oh How magical this knowledge should be.
Blissful, a pinch of melody,
A dash of heavenly.

I am your love,
I am your seed.
I am as free as we can be. 

Magnificent! Waiting to be framed and displayed on strong foundation.

Don’t judge me.
Hold me.
And please, let me be.