Love Poem: Forgiveness 2
Curtis Johnson Avatar
Written by: Curtis Johnson

Forgiveness 2

F reedom has been granted to the offender
	O ffended ones receive fresh freedoms within
	R eigns of guilt and self-accusing have ended
	G race has pardoned, covered, and cast away the offence
	I, the offender, is liberated; I, the offended cease deliberating
	V ictors who desist from holding on, are now enabled to move on
	E levated to new positions of victory, forgivers sit on thrones of love
	N ew normal of grace fills the empty spaces
	E nemies lurking within me are then obliterated
	S ins of bitterness, resentment, and revenge are gone
	Salvation and a heavenly satisfaction have now arrived
        08112017 PS Contest, End October Premiere, Strand
        Matthew 6:12