Love Poem: Festive love

Festive love

In you I found myself a me,
a better me
a better half 
and now I'm complete 

You make me smile without even trying
By just being you
And my home when you around me
You've created a lasting impression 

In you I found myself a me,
a new smiley me
a happy me
for it brings out the best of me 

You make days worth it
By just being here
And by listening to me
My heart has found a soul mate 

In you I found myself a me
a blooming me
a flower for all seasons
I'll never be cold again 

You make me put down my guard
By you reassuring me
And by being proud to be mine 
You've given me a new purpose to live for 

The PO£T
Humphrey Haj 

#It's the festive season, lots of love in the air