Love Poem: Farewell To the Skatz
Simon King  Avatar
Written by: Simon King

Farewell To the Skatz

The Skatz had used up their precious time 
‘  through wasted study of mathematics, philosophy ‘and classical rhyme.

Those elusive green Peelers were the new seed riders  now ‘
Probably a political fix but no one quite knew how .

The Collaborative seahorses that once walked that great northern shore ‘
lent the small Skatz money then told them no more .

They’d had their credit fairly or not 
‘What ever was left they’d had their lot .

Farewell too the Skatz it’s time to Leave 
‘a chorus of voice’s a collective of me’s ,
Off you go and don’t look sad 
‘you Skatz  are out ‘you’ve turned us all mad .

The farewell drummer beat dutifully in time , 
the long walk had started ‘
they’d formed a line .

Beware my friends the retired magician pleaded with tear’s 
‘he’d known these Skatz personally for eighty or was it a hundred years .

Then As a group they decided to wave 
‘ to comfort the old magician who’d protested and raved .

The Skatz  we’re now leaving 
‘and there was really nothing more sad ‘ 
But it had been a long day 
‘and in a way they were glad