Love Poem: Farewell Its Verity

Farewell Its Verity

Farewell, the theme of life,
after seeking world hardly with a knife,
none can we stop - reaching – the den of pride,
we   have to go alone following a bride. 

 Farewell a sense appears a while,
hard to get it back, the lost secretion of bile,
tears flow a moment like the majestic river Nile,
none can we stop – reaching – the den of pride.

 Farewell – we mean – detachments of hearts,
no longer found roaming – the certainty of marts,
shedding all the memories,
memories of the past, happiness and worries.

Farewell – the tears stand fake, dripping away love,
happiness thrown away, hatred wins above,
stop shedding tears with no meaning at all,
the tears hamper the view forming a liar’s waterfall!

Strive hard for triumph or see farewell again,
shedding fake liquids, no palpable pain,
I promise to keep farewell alive, with less joy and death,
and feel the meaning of farewells truth, hard passing the last breath. 

M.R. Hossain.