Atere Isaac Ojo Avatar
Written by: Atere Isaac Ojo


"Fare thee well
If not forever, still forever
Pride which not a word could bow
Bow to you, and by you rejected 
Fare thee well"
Not now nor ever shall I
Seek the directions of your natal star
Nor crave your unyielding heart
Nor forever seek your quaint embroid beauty
Or the presence of your invisible steps
Or the shadows of your inexorable and invincible appearance
But shall forever cast the burden of the  budding seed a requiem and a will- o- wisp.
No more the  taunting of a stony ego
No more whispering to the unfamished ears of toxic rejection 
All  these streams of flagellation 
And the caressing of the springs of agelong mutuality
Shall be numbed in tranquility 
"Fare thee well, if not forever."
Yet forever