Love Poem: Fabel Twelth
Charles Hice Avatar
Written by: Charles Hice

Fabel Twelth

Fabel Twelth     
Author Message 

Age : 53
Joined : 13 Jun 2007
Posts : 720

 Subject: Fabel Twelth   Today at 14:08      

Fabel Twelth

Moral Inventory

Charlax Fables

The four thousand year old day

The end of a day is somehow better than the beginning eye carefully left my roll 
and hid my blanket in the place eye like to find it hoping no one goes there it is 
still quite cold eye lost some composure when the Jogger ignored me and 
proceeded onto the bridge quite rudely so early to an old man in a hurry eye was 
almost jogging myself HE came at me like he is used to better days he expected 
me to jump frog out of his way eye yelled at him “ NO” eye said “you SAW me on 
this bridge” and then eye rudded him eye BUMPED him with my bag just one of 
three eye always carry just in case of rain. He kept his tongue and made me think 
that he is mute perhaps he cannot speak perhaps he is one of them? He 
seemed so strang to me like someone not even there perhaps an ANGEL sent 
to test me to see iff eye was there? But yet the BIBLE clearly states that JESUS 
tests or tempts no man so where was HE from? This Jogger made me mad. 
Everything else was bent from that one chance encounter eye have been a bad 
boy in the middle of my night but it’s all for love ewe the bus was late and 
sometimes the driver lets people off same side they call it but today he decided 
everyone must go to the bus stop and wait in the snowless cold and it made me 
an hour late and no one gives me love the lieberrian is so depressed she cries it 
seems she just does not have enough? Can someone give me love no only 
ewe. No Matter how rude no matter how smart they ain’t tough there is no 
substitute for tough not big or mean but eye am tough. Buyer beware eye am a 
 Fabel Twelth