Love Poem: Explain the Fruit of the Spirit - P1

Explain the Fruit of the Spirit - P1

Agape Love is first to our Lord above all things,
Colour of love would be red like an apple of desire,
Which gives off power passion and pulls heart strings,
It’s like a race that never ends and the warmth of a fire.

Second is Joy, which can be unspeakable without end,
Blue in colour like the so named “Berry” on grass and rock,
Time of refreshing reviving renewal with just the right blend,
Like being swept away by a drink not tasted or in your stock.

Thirdly experience Peace a virtue which by many is sought,
The colour being silver which all on its own doth attract,
A purity calmness feeling that passeth all understanding,
Sweet music beautiful nature scenes like light when refract.

Fourthly discover Longsuffering not liked usually one little bit,
Dismal grey like an overcast day is its texture in colour,
Like a prickly pear, which does not entice till you have tried it,
The widow’s oil which was about to run out but kept its fervour.

In fifth place is Gentleness not commonly scene in our sects,
White is its colour code unmarked clean not spotted in any way,
Like cotton wool and silk moving the feeler in many aspects,
Imagine the best bed pillow sleep you had until till the next day.