Love Poem: Eternal Happenings

Eternal Happenings

Eternal Happenings
Oh how my dreams wandered far and wide, not knowing why. Till I caught a hint of something more than nothing. A faint fragment of crystal caught in the eye of a woman, where? Existing or caught in the ether? Faraway and none existent? 

Then I woke up, no; I never slept that night. Yes, no sleep then. Hindered by that, guided by 'something', unsure of what. My Pagan Goddess as my co-pilot? Showing me the way to where you are. That took time. A long time.

Longer than far off continents being formed. Longer than painting the clouds in the sky. Longer than melting candle wax to make the moon. Longer than her fingers performing magic, making the stars. Longer than...

Then I was there, by your side. There I've remained, through the seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years. Lifetimes and forever will be added to that. Legend says we must seek our other half. Do we?

I have found the answer to my great eternal mystery. What I have looked for all these decades. That answer is simple. Do you know what it is? The answer is you, my dear wife. No more searching or yearning for you, my Carole.