Love Poem: Epitome of Hope

Epitome of Hope


As blank line is filled,
A new name entered,
A closure for one,
A beginning begun now ceased,
Where once was birth
Now a candidate for grave,
Now a memory of worth,
A way maker to heaven in grace journeys forth,
Left behind broken hearts now filled
Of the thoughts of the one
Departed and now gone not here,
But risen up to an eternal post
Where for each there is hope and therefore in  grace,
There will come a day
To praise and dance together again,
And as a blank line is now filled,
As a new name entered,
On the parchment held
To God’s inner sanctuary above,
Now thank you Lord
For your child you now hold close, 
And you lord we need most at this time
As that blank line is now filled.

Francis Cooper – Mac © 05-Jul-20