Love Poem: Epiphany Jco

Epiphany Jco

There was deafening light, with the echo of my heart beat
I know that sounds crazy but it woke up my inside
It was this epiphany that this wasn’t over
That all I believed, all I wanted was not real
It was like when you wake up from sleep completely aware and alert without 
I watch and listen when people talk, but what I hear is the approach
I desipher  the way a person responds, along with the words, to determine fact.
I saw everything.  Like a dream.  I woke up and you were gone……but never really 
I held onto an imaginary friend. I talked to the most beautiful ghost.  
The hours I talked to you, your voice rocked me to sleep. The slightest lisp, carried 
my heart away. The  frustration I heard,When we argued.  The sound of your 
breathing when you listened to me. The excitement in your voice, that made your 
eyes light up when telling stories…. Stories….thats all they were. I made it all up. I 
never really felt you near me. I never wrapped myself in your world, a world that 
didn’t exist to me.  I thought I heard you say you loved me, but it was just my 
imagination. My eyes flitted open and I knew it was not real. The reality is, you were 
never real.