Love Poem: End of the World
Star Light Avatar
Written by: Star Light

End of the World

Dooms day
Everyone is so afraid
Of what is going to happen
Here on earth.. 
Now each day
There is talk.. after talk
Sometime in the near future… 
so they say… predictions…  of Dooms day
a -comet - meteor is going to pass-by 
or hit.. or a dwarf star fall from the sky
here on earth… 

All of them…  are getting equipped
Some even thinking that the dwarf star
Is an alien space ship
As Here on earth… people in such fear
Getting ready and prepared
All Around…  far and near

But those of many people 
Whom seem to be afraid… 
Of what’s some say 
is to take place of here in today
Don’t even realize or know…  
What is truly going to happen
Instead they delay.. or turn away
Of God’s Beautiful gift
Of Love…  Free… Eternal Birth

They make the mistake and hesitate…
Of what really is going to take place
Here on earth…  Believers 
all over the World Will disappear… without a trace
Rapture happens… Christians gone
To be with our Lord.. Forever long

Time is now at hand
For all the people in the Land
As Jesus said “You Must… become Born-again”
In order to Live with Him 
Our Savior… God in Heaven
You be Alive Eternally …  to live Forever
Now is the time to receive Eternal Life
Come to Jesus.. Our Divine Christ

Our Father in Heaven 
Is The Only one whom knows
Time Jesus will Return here upon earth
Giving us Eternal Birth
Time be..  Us Believers go
On our Lord’s day… 
In The Holy Bible
Truth is Foretold

Truth is…
The end of the Time
Here as we know it
Within the world…
Dooms day… 
Is when you find.. 
Your left behind
On our Lord’s Day…

Then here on earth
there be Nowhere
You can Run or Hide…
Come to Jesus…
While there is Time
Be Safe… by Our Lord’s Side

Then You have No reason to fear
For God is Always with you…
Right Now…  Right here…
Always even End of Time